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September 10, 2012

Quality > Quantity

I know it has been quiet lately on the Sweet Goosie Girl blogging scene...
It seems that there has not been enough time in the day lately...
However, I am working on changing that...
Blogging is one of the things that I love most!
I was going to post a recipe today...
However, as you will see, something has been catching my eye and weighing on my mind...
Rather than trying to do it all...
I want to set my standards high...
and do the things that matter, that I love and that I'm good at...
I had grandeur images of working at home...
Of course baking/designing cookies...
but also creative computer time...perhaps at Starbucks...
a perfectly straightened house...wash all caught up...
having everything done by the time Goosie Girl gets home from school...
and what I'm finding is none of the above is happening...
So rather than complaining...
I'm working on how I can improve...
The world tells me that busier is better...

Keep Busy.. Yes.. I am trying to keep my self busy not to remember anything, everything!
Bigger is better...
But I know differently...
Who says I have do what everyone else is doing?
I want boutique...
Selective and sought after (borrowed from the wonderful Emily Ley)...
Who says I can't be that?
Quality over quantity...
It's all a work in progress isn't it?!
Cheers to a Monday filled with being mindful!

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