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Blog Caption

February 8, 2013


Are you a morning person?
I guess you could say that I am during the week...
I hate when that alarm goes off but I SO enjoy my quiet time...
in my pjs...
on the couch...
with a cup of coffee...
and my Spooky dog wrapped up in a blanket beside me, snoring (yes, I cover him up)...
I start by reading my bible...
I am proud to say that I read the entire bible...twice!

It's during this time that I am truly focused on God with no distractions...
And then I find myself meditating on what I've read the rest of the day...
After bible time, I spend some time on the computer...
I check email quickly just to see what's in store...
and then I enjoy being inspired...
Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Blogs...
I only pay attention to the ones that motivate me...
It's during this time that I'll notice God speaking to me...
Maybe all the articles have to do with a certain topic... right now EVERYTHING being put in my mind 
is about being content with what you have...
less is more...simplicity...not more but better...etc.
It's absolutely amazing to see how God works...
It's also during this time that I write my blog post (if I do one that day)...
Then it's time to get Goosie Girl up & get her breakfast...
then I go put on the exercise clothes and go on my power walk...yuck...but I'm always so glad that I did it...
and then get ready for work...
By getting up early, I get all my computer time out of the way so I don't feel the need to check it all the time thus allowing me to be focused on getting things done...
Does it look like this every morning?
No...but all I can do is try!
What do your mornings look like?
Do they relax you or make you crazy?

images 1-4 via Tumblr
last image via Minimalist Pretty

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