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January 7, 2014

The New Year and Martini Cocktail Cookies

Well hello 2014!
How did you get here so fast?
I haven't even had time to sit down and do my Goal Setting 2014 with Lara Casey...
I do know my word that I will be focusing on this year...
I'm so tired of just surviving and flying by the seat of my pants...
I don't operate well that way...
The teacher in me likes to have lesson plans 
detailing all the events that need to be covered...
having all the copies made, cut out, etc.
I've realized it's the same thing with a business...
You don't have to be crazy all the time...
It definitely takes work to make those lesson plans...
But once their done, the week goes so much smoother...
You actually end up having more time because you're not scrambling...
It's all a work in progress...
But remember changing or tweaking what you don't want/like requires action...
not talking about it...not thinking about it...not praying about it...
it requires doing...just start somewhere!
Cheers to 2014 and doing things with intention!

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